
About us

Ecos3 for a cleaning that respects humanity, nature, the future, and the world…

​Why is Ecos3 friendly?

Ecos3 products are made from high-purity, plant-based, soft, and high-performance raw materials that are friendly to nature and people. They do not harm human health. Thanks to their biodegradable formulas, they are 90-95% degradable in nature. They do not create toxic waste in water and soil.

  • Easily Dissolves in Nature
  • No Toxic Waste
  • Protects the Seas

Because, Ecos3 produces products that are friendly to your pocket!

Because Ecos3 products are high-performance cleaners, you can achieve the same results using much smaller amounts than other products. So, they give you more bang for your buck! They also help protect the environment by creating less packaging waste.

  • Saves Water
  • Concentrated Products
  • Many effects in one


Harmful chemicals are found in almost all typical detergents and care products.

Phosphate: Particularly pollutes the seas. It reduces oxygen in the seas by forming algae. It causes fish species to disappear. Phosphate use in detergents in Turkey is around 15%-30%. In Europe it is 1-5%!

Formaldehyde: It is widely used to extend the shelf life of products. It is a cheap but carcinogenic raw material. It damages the lungs and respiratory tract.

Phenol: It is obtained from hard coal and petroleum derivatives. It is caustic and toxic. Used in disinfectant products. Causes swelling, burning, peeling and hives in contact with skin. It is found in most furniture polishes.

Perchloroethylene (C2CI4): Generally used as a degreaser in dry cleaning. Frequently used in carpet cleaning shampoos. Causes dermatological problems, liver and kidney damage, nervous system disorders.

Nitrobenzene: Used as a solvent in cheap soaps and perfumes. It is an extremely harmful, toxic, and carcinogenic substance.

Ammonia: Used especially in oven cleaners. It is carcinogenic.

Cresol: Used in disinfectants. It is a harmful chemical that is easily absorbed by the skin and the inner membranes of the respiratory system.

Salt: It is abundant in detergents with low cleaning effect and active ingredients. It is used to thicken products. It dries and cracks the skin and causes itching.

EDTA (Ethylene di amine tetra acetic acid): A carcinogenic substance used to soften water. It can release ammonia when the temperature rises.

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